

          ATSEPA - Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel Association was established in 2017 following the increase awareness of importance of ATSEP contribution in the process of assuring safe and efficient air traffic services for all airline operators.  

          Also, ATSEPA started to be actively involved in supporting its members so that they have a safe work place environment and access to adequate required proffessional training for them to conduct their activities at the highest standards.




Keep, promote ang grow the air traffic safety in the Romanian air space

Keep, promote and improve the abilities and professionalism of ATSEP.

Keep, promote and improve the work place environment of all ATSEP from Romania 

Promote among its members an unique conception regarding the role, prestige and importance of ATSEP in civil aviation  


Organisational Structure


        The governing body of the Association is represented by the General
Assembly (GA) and the Board of Directors (BoDs) is its executive management and
administration body.

          The General Assembly includes all the members of the Association,
represented by 18 ATSEP who assure the uniform and unitary representation of all
the members of the Association.

      The list of the General Assembly representatives is proposed by the
Board of Directors, has a 2 years mandate and it is validated through consensus
(open vote with simple majority) by of the members of the Association

                      ATSEPA Board of Directors structure:


                              Camelia ELISEI-ILIESCU 


                               Vice-President Logistics: 

                                     Olga GHEORGHIU 


                          Vice-President Internal Relations: 

                                        Sorin SPINEAN 


                       Vice-president External Relations: 

                                 Sorin DUMITRESCU 



ATSEPA is a highly motivated and dynamic team having as main purposes the promotion of the professional interests of ATSEP and the active contribution in civil aviation activities and projects which have as goal the improvement of the air traffic safety.

The association will also be actively involved in the improvement of regulations regarding the standardization of the system of selection, training and promotion of ATSEP and of the system of granting and maintaining the individual nominal certification documents (license, certificate and/or authorisation) according to the stipulations of the following organisations The Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority (Romanian CAA), European Commission (EC), International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), European Civil Aviation Conference(ECAC) and European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL).

The Association will permanently seek, through its actions and active involvement in the development and modernisation of the air traffic services from Romania, to improve the statute, professionalism and work place conditions of ATSEP.


From 2018, ATSEPA is a member of International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations (IFATSEA).
