We propose you to participate in one of the work groups presented below:

Joint CNS Stakeholder Platform (JCSP)
Workshop on CNS Infrastructure Resilience
Published: 23 february 2023
Deadline:15 may 2023

Published: 12 february 2023
Webinars:15 march 2023 / 25 april 2023
Dear fellow ATSEP,
The IFATSEA Eurogroup established several working groups in 2020, with the purpose to increase the involvement of ATSEP on relevant Eurogroup matters and to foresee continuity of the work during the year.
The lessons learned working group has the purpose to identify and promote best practices within the ATSEP profession, inspire and share ideas. Several initiatives were already taken like presenting and publishing best practices.
The lessons learned working group is organizing several webinars to promote some best practices within specific ATSEP domains, and to have an active Q&A afterwards. It is planned to have 30min presentation and 30-60min Q&A.
The first two webinars which are planned-in are:
1) Improved SMC concept (Wednesday 15/03 19h CET, presented by Erik Roos)
2) Preventive and corrective maintenance within surveillance (Tuesday 25/04 19h CET, presented by Jurgen De Clercq)
If you are interested to participate to any of these webinar, please register yourself with the following link:
Course Registration Form (aidaform.com (https://atsep.aidaform.com/free-course-registration-form))
After you have registered, webinar link details will be provided approximately one week beforehand.
Places are limited, and are managed based on a first come first served basis.
Hoping for a big response and participation,
The lessons learned WG (Ivan, Branko, Erik , Jurgen)

Published: 01 september2022
IFATSEA Presentation